The Devon Xtreme would like to introduce our new mascot, that you can help name this weekend at Devon Days!

Every team mascot needs a memorable name, and in order to make sure the right one is chosen The Xtreme have decided to open a contest now and throughout this weekend (June 7th – June 8th), with the contest closing on the 8th at 6:00PM. Ballots can be submitted at our booth, or on the contest post that can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Following the closure of the contest the top names will be shortlisted, and put up for a vote on our social media channels to make the final decision!

The person who suggests the ultimately chosen name will win a Devon Xtreme team signed stick, and a family pack of tickets (2 Adult, 2 Children) to our home opener! If multiple of the winning name are submitted then the prize winner will be randomly selected from the group of winning suggestions!

Stay tuned here, and on social media as the new Devon Xtreme Mascot gets their name!